Alexandria Holm

Alexandria is a Toronto-based art advisor specializing in contemporary and Canadian art. With over a decade of experience, she has held various roles in museums, artist-run centres, and commercial art galleries. Alexandria holds a BA in Art History with minors in Philosophy and Russian Studies from McGill University, and an MA in Art History and a diploma in Curatorial Practice from York University where her area of research focused on Canadian art and institutions, and Inuit art. Throughout her career that has crossed both not-for-profit and for-profit sectors, Alexandria has remained dedicated to empowering artists. She is currently Chair of Programming on the Board of Directors at Hamilton Artists Inc — an artist-run centre based in Hamilton, ON, that has supported artists at all stages of their careers since 1975.

Alexandria is well-versed in navigating the cultural and commercial dimensions of the art world, positioning her as an ideal point of contact between her clients and galleries, framers, art handlers and shippers, and artists. As an art advisor, Alexandria works with emerging & established collectors to build and manage and their art collections, and offers a variety of services for public projects and programs.